There are many celebrities that can be seen making the change from their traditional long hairstyles to cutting edge short hairstyles. Emma Watson is only one of the latest starlets to chop off her long hairstyle and make way for a fashionable short look. This look is very short, but she has the bone structure through her face to pull off the short style.

Are you considering making a change through your hairstyle and are wondering if you would be able to pull off a drastic change like this? Without cutting off the hair there are many things that you can do to determine how you would look. You can choose to make use of hairstyle software that can allow you to upload your picture into the system, changing your hairstyle to see how you would look with short hair like Emma's or you can even make use of a very short wig that can be combined with the hair pulled up off of the face.

She has cut it all off and it looks quite great. It is a very fashion forward look that is sure to have her at the top of the short hairstyle list for 2010 and well into the 2011 season.