Jul 31, 2011

Addict Mother and Child's Brain

CHILDREN born to mothers who consume cigarettes, marijuana, cocaine, and alcohol have a smaller head circumference compared with other children whose mothers no drank such substances.

The study led by Dr. Michael J Rivkin of Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA, indicate if the mother is eating four types of these substances at the same time, children born will have a small head and brain size.
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Parents Ignore Child Obesity

Detroit-Survey shows a large number of parents in America have a tendency to ignore obesity in their children.

Dr. Matthew Davis, University of Michigan professor, said the study estimates that mistakes parents believe childhood obesity will be solved by itself.

Among the parents who have children with obesity aged 6 to 11 years, 43% said their child 'is at the correct weight', 37% responded 'somewhat overweight', 13% said 'very overweight', and the other say 'somewhat below normal weight'.

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Saliva Able to Detect Heart Attack

SALIVA test may one day be used in ambulances, restaurants, pharmacies, or in other places nearest to quickly find out if someone has symptoms of a heart attack.

"Proteins found in the saliva have the ability to rapidly classify potential heart attacks," said Dr.. John T. McDevitt, a biochemist at the University of Texas at Austin, told Reuters.

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Location and Risk Level of Melanoma

MELANOMAS that grow on the scalp or neck is more deadly. The conclusion was revealed in a study published the journal Archives of Dermatology, yesterday.

Researchers from the University of North Carolina (UNC), USA, found patients with melanoma - the most dangerous type of skin cancer - which grows on the scalp or neck had a death rate nearly doubled when compared with patients suffering from melanoma on the body other.

They analyzed data from 51,704 people in the U.S. who have a melanoma diagnosed in 1992-2003.
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Beware of Complications Due to Hypertension

THERE are many people with hypertension that ended with the onset of complications of a stroke. They did not know this for themselves suffering from hypertension until serious complications arise. Hypertension is often asymptomatic, but its consequences can be fatal.

In patients with hypertension, their blood pressure has been high. High-pressure blood flow that occurs during the years that led to damaged blood vessels. Blood vessels became thick, stiff, and prone to narrowing and even blockage.

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More Attractive in Fertile Period

The voice of a woman will become very attractive when it was at the peak of fertility. Researchers at the State University of New York, United States, that conclusion after examining the ordered number of women counting from one to 10 points menstruation.

Having heard their voices to the men and other women, women who are approaching ovulation result more attractive when compared to before or after the cycle.

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Inpatient Makes Children Hallucinate

YOU should begin to be careful when your child should spend the night in the intensive care unit (ICU). The reason is, one of third children who must undergo inpatient in the hospital tend to experience delusions, including hallucinations and excessive fear. Researchers in Britain claim that the symptoms will take the children on the state of post-traumatic stress (post traumatic stress disorder).

The researchers found the children tend to hallucinate when they are given strong sedatives such as opiates and benzodiazepines, for more than two days.

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Jul 30, 2011

Depression Recovery with Pets

EVERY day you are depressed because they have to fight traffic congestion when leaving and home offices, coupled with long working hours and bosses are often angry without reason. But, when you came home and was greeted with affection by your beloved dog to wag its tail and barking like a sign of welcome, the symptoms of your depression will soon disappear.

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Relieve the Pain with Naprapathy

IF you are struggling against the pain and lazy way to medical treatment, you can use alternative medicine naprapathy, long-term treatment that has proven to be safe, as an option to relieve pain.

Naprapathy treatment can overcome the pain on the connective tissue using hand manipulation, nutritional counseling, and sometimes by way of therapeutic modalities such as heat, high frequency sound, and cold laser therapy.

Connective tissues, including ligaments, tendons and muscles, is material in the body that function to support other body parts.
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Jul 29, 2011

10 Most Common Infertility Treatments

ALMOST all couples want to have descendant. But, in reality, not all married couples have children easily. This is because the infertility factor. Because of this, if you and or your partner is diagnosed "infertile" need not despair, you can try a variety of alternative medicine is more in line with technological advances.

Overcome infertility drugs

This medicine can be used as first line treatment for women who do not ovulate. How it works together with the body's hormones and stimulates the ovaries to release eggs. This method is known as ovulation induction.
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Alternative Asthma Treatments

THERE are many complementary and alternative medicine treatment of asthma from breathing exercises until healing with herbs. Not much information about the success of this treatment, but many people who try and claim to feel better. Here's the evidence that supports:

3 alternative asthma treatments that promising:

Still more research is needed to determine the level of effectiveness, but the breathing exercises, yoga and physical exercise are some complementary and alternative medicine treatment of asthma is the most promising.

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Fit and Healthy with Homeopathy

HOMEOPATHY is a natural form of complementary medicine or alternative medicine, or it could mean a health practice that deviates from the conventional treatment systems.

Homeopathy is based on common law, or "equal treatment of same." This means that healing is causing the problem of large amounts of body will heal more quickly if consumed in small quantities.

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Jul 27, 2011

Orencia for Rheumatoid Arthritis

We have already found a drug to treat disease Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), ranging from moderate to severe.  

Drug in question is abatacept, Orencia and marketed under the name given through an IV. These drugs suppress the immune system works to relieve arthritis symptoms such as swelling, stiffness and pain in the joints. Because of the swelling and inflammation of the joints that causes some people affected by the disease that afflicts more than 2 million citizens of the United States.

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Jul 26, 2011

Early Insulin Therapy Best for Diabetics

THIS time insulin therapy has not been much given to people with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, because this therapy is regarded as the last therapy or therapy for patients nearing death. 

As a result, patients often refuse given insulin therapy, doctors also rarely willing to give it, mostly because they think the procedure is too complicated and troublesome because they have to patiently train the patient to inject insulin. But the truth is not. 

When given properly, insulin therapy earlier (early insulinitation) can control blood sugar levels to near normal (120 mg / dl before meals and 140 mg/dl after meals, red) and to prevent complications in people with Diabetes Mellitus type 2 (non-insulin dependent).

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Overcome PMS with Contraceptive Pills

PRE-menstrual syndrome (PMS) that affects about 75% of women of childbearing age is one form of mental health disorders related to women's reproductive cycle. Modern contraceptive pill could be an alternative to relieve the symptoms of PMS. 

PMS symptoms include physical and psychological symptoms. Physical symptoms are usually fatigue, weakness, lethargy, headache, breast tenderness, abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, sweating, impaired appetite and sexual desire disorder. Psychological symptoms of melancholy, irritability, anxiety, impaired concentration, loss of interest, and sleep disorders. These symptoms arise because in the days before menstruation occurs hormonal changes in women's bodies. 

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HPV Vaccine Prevent Cervical Cancer

PREVENTION by early detection (screening) to infection Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), can be done early without having to wait until the detection of a  cancer women's killer. 

Most of the women and housewives detected cervical cancer or cervical cancer when it was advanced stage and it is very difficult to cure.

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Recognize the Causes and Types of Vertigo

VERTIGO is a condition of dizziness that feels incredible. A person suffering from vertigo feel as if spinning around, is caused by balance disorders, based in the area labyrinth or the cochlea in the ear. 

The feeling is sometimes accompanied by nausea and want to vomit, even the patient was unable to stand and sometimes fall because of balance problems.

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Overcome Obesity with Lipodissolve

OBESITY, in addition to damaging the appearance is also harmful to health. Numerous studies have shown obesity can lead to dangerous diseases such as coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, and diabetes. Variety of ways have been developed to overcome obesity, one of which is now widely used in America and Europe the Lipodissolve technique

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Bioresonance Therapy Cure Allergy Without Drugs

BIORESONANCE therapy is one solution to cure allergies. Therapy that uses this wave does not use drugs and is suitable for all ages. 

Although often considered a mild disease, allergy sufferers may actually be disruptive. Many people have limited mobility due to allergies. Homework is trivial can be a big fear for people who are allergic to dust. On the other hand, shrimp or seafood is delicious actually be a threat to the seafood allergies.

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Throat Cancer Cure with Laser

A team from Harvard University, United Kingdom, conducted a study to treat throat cancer is detected early. They found a method of treatment that claimed more quickly by using heat energy laser light to kill cancer cells and tissue around it. This study tested the 28 patients at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston.

Dr. Steven M Zeitels, who led the study, said that the only therapy that utilize heat from the laser beam does not require other treatment and without surgery. He also added that the patients treated with this method only takes an average follow-up for 27 months and a maximum of five years without additional treatment.

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Jul 25, 2011

The Loveliness of a Short Hair Styles

The loveliness of short hairstyles is increasing again. Throughout the past several months many women have already been growing their hair ever since popularity was going higher price for longer hairstyles.

A quick haircut will never be for everyone. A brief hair style that fits you and lifestyle can dramaturgic change the way in which you felt and does look it may improve your self-confidence, actually make you look younger, and decrease the volume of cash and time give on hairdressing.

Including, the new short haircut should go with your character, line of business, time limitations, body shape, face shape, hair texture, hair mass, eye color, and skin tone. And it also should create a sense of balance amid your head, face, and body. Choosing the proper short hair cut is a component technique and portion art. It is concerning the fundamental elements of balance, line and movement.
Oval shaped face and short hair styles

Identifying haircuts for oval face shape is very easy because this brand of face shape is thought the most beneficial one. Oval face is varied and well-balanced. Many models have oval faces. Approximately any hairstyle will undoubtedly look great on an oval face. To have an oval face layered front sections on any style will certainly highlight your facial features.

Very short hairstyles might generate a magnificent effect, so don't be afraid to point out your ears and win your nape buzzed. Typically the most popular face shapes and also the short hairstyles that suit a precise face shape. This may assist you when deciding what sort of short hairstyle to go for.

Lack of Sleep Cause Mental Disorder

IF you include people who often have difficulty sleeping (insomnia), it helps a little wary. According to researchers from Harvard Medical School and the University of California at Berkeley, United States, people who sleep less because of having trouble falling asleep tended to greater risk of experiencing psyche, aka mental disorder.

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Tips on Removing Wrinkles

ARE you worried facing the old days?, Wrinkles and skin firmness own a scourge for women. There are several things you can do related to your lifestyle.

1. Sleep on your back 

Wrinkles on your face becomes a scratch on the surface of your skin and do not disappear. Sleep on their side will be able to add wrinkles on the cheeks and chin, while sleeping face down gives you wrinkles on the forehead. To reduce wrinkles on your face, is sleeping with the supine position.

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Fatigue Can Be a Symptom of Serious Illness

Do you including people who easily tired until he is able to do a job you should be doing?. Fatigue can be a symptom of serious illness, experts say most of the fatigue caused by several things that you do not realize. Let's identify some diseases cause fatigue:

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Depression as Suicide Early Symptom

PEOPLE often find it difficult to recognize the symptoms of depression, moreover cure it. Even most people who are depressed never diagnosed or undergoing treatment for the pain they experienced. As a result, more than 10% of people suffering from depression decided to commit suicide.

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Cell Phone Influence To the Memory

EMERGENCE of various types of mobile phones (cell phones) as well as trinkets of technology turned out to have an adverse impact. Communication devices without cables can cause humans become forgetful.

That is because the mobile phone capabilities to storing personal information. The impact you can not remember everything that can be stored in phone memory, such as when the spouse's birthday or even a home phone number.

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Impact of Stress On Heart

RESEARCH has shown that heart disease can be increased by 68% in workers who are chronically stressed. Chronic stress due to work piling up can be bad for your heart, especially if your lifestyle is unhealthy. Once the results of research over 12 years of observing more than 10,000 white-collar workers of British government.

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Ginger Rich In Benefits

YOU may be familiar with ginger, spice-scented kitchen typical proved to have efficacy against various diseases. The content of natural herbs with the Latin name Zingiber officinale sp. could provide benefits for health. Modern research has scientifically prove these benefits: 

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Jul 24, 2011

Do Not Panic Facing Child Poisoning

SMALL children have a body more susceptible to food poisoning and can be fatal. Parents often panic when he learned their children in poisoning, when parents panic can make the child condition worse. Parents can do first aid on children who suffered poisoning, if done correctly. 

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Tips Using Antibiotics Safely

ANTIBIOTICS are meant to treat bacterial infections, but antibiotics will not work effectively against the virus that causes flu-like. To prevent the overuse of antibiotics, it is important for you to know that the use of antibiotics only for infections. Here are some suggestions for how to use antibiotics properly:

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Avoid Oily Skin Tips

OILY skin is shiny skin that looks like smeared with oil, skin feels smooth to the touch and the skin tends to many so-called black spots or blemishes. Then the skin of acne on the face, it must be signs of oily skin. 
It's important to keep skin clean and controlling the process of discharge of oil or fat that comes out of the pores of your face. But the plus side, oily skin can take care of your skin slowly, in contrast to other skin types, because the natural oils out of the pores can help you from the skin of fine lines and wrinkles on the face.

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Tips for Choosing Fresh Fruit

FOR fans of the fruit, choosing fruit in the store would be a tricky thing. Unless you have a garden of fruit or buy from farmers at local markets, which usually sells fruit 'ripe perfect' and also still fresh picked from the tree. However, for the urban life, store the fruit of course the only easy option. The problem is, these shops usually provide fruit supplied from distant places, can be imported or shipped from the countryside.
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Tips to Overcome Insomnia

INSOMNIA (difficulty sleeping disorders) may be familiar to your ears anymore. Though by some people, the disease is considered normal. But there are several ways to overcome the problem of insomnia that many descend among young executives, students and some elements of society. 

1. Before you sleep, relaxation such as yoga stretches the muscles and use breathing techniques.
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Nine Best Diet Tips

HERE are the nine best tips on diet:

1. Drink enough water or other non-caloric beverages.

2. Choose snacks that you consume at night, like a pack of biscuits (cookies) but the fruit is the best choice.

3. Fixed enjoy your favorite foods, provided that the portion that should be eaten with

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Jul 23, 2011

Preeclampsia Increases Baby Heart Disease Risk

BABIES whose mothers suffer from pre-eclampsia (pregnancy poisoning) have a greater risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease that is related to heart disease.

Preeclampsia, which is a relatively common pregnancy complication, or problems with the placenta can reduce oxygen levels received by the fetus. It slows the growth and damage to cardiovascular, metabolic, and endocrine system of infants.

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Caution Wear Lip Gloss

FOR those of you who like to wear lip gloss, beware. Research Dr Christine Brown of Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, USA, found a moisturizer and lip gloss may increase chances of skin cancer growing on the lips.

Brown said the lip gloss and polish does not protect, but it is interesting to ultraviolet light. Moreover, the adverse impact of the lips are more susceptible to sunlight and have a higher propensity of developing cancer when compared with the skin.

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Young Age Father and Risk to Children

RESEARCH in Canada found that babies of teenage fathers are at risk of various problems, including premature birth, low weight, and even death.

The team led by Professor Mark Walker of the University of Ottawa is conducting research on 2.6 million births in the U.S. in 1995-2000.

Besides checking the birth data 2,614,966 infants of mothers aged 20 and 29 years, they also record information about age and race of the babies father.

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Beware of Born deaf Children

DEAFNESS can also occur from birth, is called congenital deafness. Congenital deafness can occur due to factors that affect pregnancy or at birth. 

This deafness may be partially deaf (hearing impaired) or total deafness (Deaf). Partial deafness is a state function of hearing loss but can still be used to communicate with or without the aid of hearing devices. Total deafness is a condition that such a disruption of auditory function that can not communicate even got pavement noise (amplification). 

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Bionic eye Restore Sight

BIONIC eye may be the key to restore the eyesight of people suffering from blindness due to hereditary disease.The term bionics aimed at the application of biological systems and methods that are found in nature, designed by engineering systems and modern technology.

A research team at Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, doing an effort to Britain's first treatment for patients as part of clinical research into the therapeutic process. The findings were developed by the U.S. firm, Second Sight.

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Breast feeding Reduce Deaths

BREASTFED infants, although in a short period, a third less likely to die when you sleep when compared with infants who had never breast-fed at all. Thus the results of research released by the Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths, UK.

A sudden and not clear death in infants is topped the list of causes of death of infants aged up to one year. The research investigated the relationship between breast-feeding (breast milk) and infant death while sleeping in developed countries.

The study was a meta-analysis included results of 27 different studies since 1965. Research is increasingly emphasized the benefits of breastfeeding infants. According to Natasha Larmie, a mother as well as doctors, mothers who breastfeed their babies are more sensitive to the needs and the baby's sleep patterns.

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Jul 22, 2011

Alternative Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis

HERE are the treatments and alternative therapies are recommended for patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Alternative medicine is a treatment that has been declared safe or effective to address certain conditions. Alternative treatments ranging from diet and exercise to mental conditions change in lifestyle. Alternative medicine includes acupuncture, yoga, aromatherapy, relaxation, healing with herbs, and massage.

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Acne Home Remedies

ACNE is very common in teenagers, about 80% of men and young women acne, even some of them require treatment from a doctor, and this phase is considered as something normal. 

Acne in teenagers is caused by the hormone androgen, which acts to increase skin oil production, with high levels of circulating in the blood. 

However, not just teenagers who get acne attacks, acne can also interfere with adult women as they undergo hormonal changes triggered by menstruation, birth control pills, pregnancy, even during early menopause.

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Healthy With Magnet

VARIOUS methods are used to achieve a healthy body without interruption. One of them with magnetic therapy to increase blood flow.

Medical therapies are packaged in the form of accessories such as necklaces and bracelets was indeed a lot of new medical methods of search ogled. Necklaces and bracelets were not mere decoration. As a form of therapy, necklaces and bracelets that are said to contain powerful magnets in the smooth circulation of human blood.

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celebrity long hair styles

Keeley Hazell, the british glamour model looks just stunning in her newest short celebrity hairstyle. In actual fact, Keeley Hazell created headlines when she was marked wearing attractive seeking short hairstyle. With chic, elegance appeal, Keeley Hazell is the number one person when it appears to copying celebrity-enthused hairstyles. She made an attempt for a simple and sexy short bun in an astonishing red color. Despite her main celebrity hairstyles, Keeley Hazell has brought in quite a lot of short celebrity hairstyles trends in 2008.
She has gone through a big alteration in her hairdo styles for the duration of the past four years wearing typical curly up do, shiny and lively short prom hairstyles. She has also tried round bobs among cheek length hairstyle, medium curly haircut styles and different changes of her long celebrity hairstyles.







Celebrity Hair Style

Every time that a person goes for a new hair cut he or she always observes and notes his or her favorite celebrity’s hairstyle. This is a common tendency of people to follow the celebrity they most admire. For women the latest trend setters are Jennifer Aniston, Jessica Alba, and Lindsay Lohan. Among the teenagers the latest rave is the pop star sensation Miley Cyrus and her long and blond locks of Hannah Montana look. The celebrities are also very careful about the look they are carrying. Celebrity hairstyles become instantly popular. They remain in demand according to the fan following of the particular celebrity.






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